Thursday, December 24, 2009
Quiting games for good. DAMN RIGHT!
Games. Let's talk about games, it's an essential nutrition for most of the boys to live through everydays or every weeks. It bring thrills and mind challenge to those who participate in it, people often gains knowledge, skills, better reflexes and even topics on their daily life to talk about with their friends.
It bites u right in the butt!
I lost precious times with someone who's only coming back few days at kk lately and who knows when someone's gonna come back again. It's because of that stupid Dota! Hate u Dota! My friends made temptation on playing with them, and yeah i got the thrill and mind challenge, BUT i lost precious times on spending with my friends! DMAN!!! I mean how can I be so stupid of not noticing this? How can I not notice that time passes so fast when i'm playing? Yup! Games are like drugs, when u are in it, there's nalmost nothing beside you that can stop u playing until the game ends. It's ADDICTIVE!
So, please, that someone please lend me the power again to quit this drug!!!
Good night and Merry Christmas everyone! XD
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Have you ever wonder on being a kuli? Even for a day?
Hurm... I don't think anyone would want him/herself to suffer like a kuli does...
Here's an idiot who actually seek and is currently in the position as a kuli, yeap, that's me!
Worked very very hard and tiring, always carrying heavy stuff here and there, and the payment? RM450 per month, but i got promoted to RM500 per month, it's a very small amount if u think of it, not even reach Rm20 per day!
So, many may wonder then why do i do it for?
Heehee~ The answer is easy, I don't care about the money, i wan the pain and frustration! No pain, no gain, right? I'm training back my strong and muscular body and wanna cut down with my big buncit.
Hahahahahaha!!! Stupid? But, for me, it's smart, to experience different level of life and the pain suffered by others, we cant know how they really feel unless we try it, right?
So, here i am, frustrated and with no time to post anything in my blog in a long period of time. Hurm... Am worried that i might cannot reach the goal of 9post before Christmas... Huhu...
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Lie, what is lie?
From dictionary:
1. a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
2. an inaccurate or false statement.
3. to speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive.
4. to express what is false; convey a false impression.
But for me? Lie is just a thing that makes me wanna get berserk and scream bad words out LOUD!!! I believe that everyone gets that feeling too when they find out they are being cheated, right? But as time passes, i've calm down... Haha... But still... hate it!!!
So, please, whoever it is that tries to cheat me on something, think before you act... Or else... Hehehehehehe................
Sleepy now, maybe will be back soon to talk about stories that i'd been through, but not today, because it's a bit late and my dad is sooooooooooooo bising =.="
LoL~ until then. Chao~~~
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Out of idea for the moment...
So, what should i say to raise my marks for this assignments?
Hmmm... Let me think for a brief moment...
I get it! Let's talk about the thing i was doing these days, GAMES!!! Buahahahaha!!!
So, i've been playing this game for a long time, many many months. It's an online chinese game that is all about the war happened back at the 3kingdom dynasty, the link is For this game, i've put alot of my mental inside it and hardly paying attention to others things than the game, it's kinda addictive if you are quite strong in the game. Other players will start to attack you and doing damages to your things. That's why everyday, i almost put 8 or more hours on this game, protecting my towns and army from being devour by those others "pro" players. It's kinda stupid i know, but when u are addicted to something, clearly you cant differentiate it, you will just~ Love it.
Talking about this game, i'm quite a pro in the game for a "no cash" players. This game aquire strategies, tricks, braintwist, a lot of time and also many many many many many MONEY to get you in the peak of the game. Some crazy players aer throwing in money like drinking water. In my guild, my head had already throw in about RM5k in this game. Some other top players threw in more than RM10k or RM20k just to make them the top player in the game. Image the profit we can make for developing an online game "($.$)" . How much money i threw in for this game to reach the top 200 players out of 10,000players? My answer: None. and i'm making profit out of it, i got customer already bought a "wellknown town(wonder if it's called like that)" which is a NPC town which is very hard to get which i got techniques on getting it in ease, i sold towns in the game and got profit, my income is just RM35 currently, it's little, but hey, it's a good thing to play a game which people require to waste their money, but i'm the other way around, getting profit, isn't it? get money while enjoying the game, why not? haha~
Why, i must say, i admite that i feel that i'm quite clever. Which many of you may say, "shut up, u sucked!", but, whatever, at least i got extra money to buy things. haha~
Yea, that's all i ahve to say, see ya guys next time! Oh oh! and don't forget, for whoever have play 3kingdom in server6, please let me know^^ thanks~ bye~
Saturday, November 21, 2009
World Toilet Day?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Busy days~

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Do you know that?

This little insect is what people always hated not because it sucks your blood, but is the fact that when it stick it's needle in your skin, when it starts to suck your blood, the same time it releases a toxin which cause your nerve to respond, itch, gatal.
You all know that most of the living things have blood, eg: humans, cats, tigers, cows and etc. But do you know that mosquito also have blood? And more over, do you know what's the colour of the blood of the mosquito?
Like most of the living things, mosquito is also an insect that have blood. But more importantly, what's the blood colour of a mosquito?

You probably usually saw mosquito with a red butt and you might even think that maybe mosquito also have red blood. If you think like that, think again. The reason it's red in colour is after it sucked our blood, it's original blood colour isn't red.
So, what blood colour actually did mosquito have? The answer is: Transparent.
That's right, mosquito's blood is transparent in colour. Too bad i cant find any video clips that enforce my information. But it's true. Try do experiment yourself if you want, and you will find out how incredible something might be that you never tend to put any attention to it.
And this is something i call "Something that makes you 'oooo~~~' ". Ok, until next time! See you all soon! Please stay tune for more Victor Lo and Somewhere I Belong. Bye~